Hear Harm

As a citizen, voter, ratepayer, business owner, community volunteer, I have a responsibility to hear when I have caused harm and—whenever I can—meet the needs of other. But I can only do this if I am capable and willing to hear that others are experiencing harm.

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Beth SandersComment
Listen at Scale

I bet this is a familiar experience: someone says they want to hear what you think and they do most of the talking. If you are like me, you also do it yourself. Even when we don’t mean to, we fall into the trap of telling when we mean to be listening.

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Beth SandersComment
What If We Are Not Planning to Survive?

I have lost my desire to be in learning spaces that claim to be about community when they are not. I have a shift to make in my approach, as well as name the shift to the people with whom I am creating the learning habitat. The shift I must make is simple: from "me and community" to "me in community".

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